human-to-human transmission 人与人之间的传染
spreading through human-to-human transmission 透过人传人传播
affect the results 结果影响
affect the way to deal with a situation 影响对策
factor to affect 影响因数
to affect 关系; 感; 感到
Three Activities Going to the Countryside program 结构陶瓷
A addendum to the Insect Catalogue of Guangxi 《广西昆虫名录》补遗
A Complement to the Great Collection of the Oracle 甲骨文合集补编
A Journey to the west 百回本西游记
a legendary beauty who flew to the moon 嫦
a length measurement corresponding to the middle segment of one’s middle finger 寸; 初级科学形容
a solution to the problem 问题对策
A trip to the border area in the north of China 北国边陲行
A Visit to the Tombs of Artists in Russia 瞻仰俄罗斯艺术家墓地
Access to the sea 入海通道
accidents happening to the college students 气体电子倍增器; 大学生人身伤害事故
according to the above table 根据上表
According to the Custom of Port 按港口惯例